Brand image corresponds to how they experience the individuality of a product, service or company through a series of associations (positive or negative), independent of the brand identity the businessperson wishes to convey. Elements such as time, experience, market competition or influence amongst consumers determines what distance there may be between the brand identity sought by the advertiser and its final perception which, in terms of expectations, the public may hold.
Any brand image implies a response, rational or emotional, on the part of the pubic, an exercise in interpretation and assessment that follows recognition, and which has an influence on final purchasing behaviour.
Other denominations:
Corporate image, brand Image
Other branding
related terms
- Above the line →
- Acoustic brand →
- Acronym →
- Advertising version →
- Atomic design →
- Attitude →
- Attributes →
- Audio branding →
- B-Corps →
- Below the line →
- Benchmarking →
- Benefits →
- Branch architecture →
- Brand →
- Brand activism →
- Brand ambassador →
- Brand aversion →
- Brand awareness →
- Brand community →
- Brand design →
- Brand dilution →
- Brand essence →
- Brand experience →
- Brand falsification →
- Brand identity →
- Brand image →
- Brand loyalty →
- Brand mascot →
- Brand packaging →
- Brand parity →
- Brand personality →
- Brand portfolio →
- Brand positioning statement →
- Brand promise →
- Brand recognition →
- Brand role →
- Brand salience →
- Brand tribe →
- Brand typicality →
- Brand value →
- Branding →
- Brandjacking →
- Cacophony →
- Cannibalization →
- Claim →
- Co-branding →
- Cognitive walkthrough →
- Corporate brand →
- Corporate identity manual →
- Corporate naming →
- Corporate Social Responsibility →
- Corporate typeface →
- Parent brand →
- Perceived value →
- Personal branding →
- Pop up store →
- Positive brandjacking →
- Private brand →
- Protected area →
- Scent marketing →
- Sensory branding →
- Slogan →
- Strategic positioning →
- Sub-brand →
- Symbolic benefits →
- Taboo →
- Tactile branding →
- Tagline →
- Techno branding →
- Top-of-heart →
- Top-of-mind awareness →
- Trademark →
- Triggered memory →